Chief Enforcement Officer. Kiki leads the board and her view is final.
Kiki was rescued in the UK from a lady who could not look after her anymore due to ill health
Chief Obedience Offer. Pip always does as she is told
Pip came from Turkey. She was thrown over a fence as a puppy because the breeder couldn't sell her. She lost her eye
Chief Toy Officer. Dusty gets to assess every toy before others can play with them
Dusty came from Turkey after being a pet who was thrown out of home and left to starve
Chief Mischief Officer. Izzie will always push the boundaries
Izzie came from Turkey aged 6 months. She had had her leg and pelvis broken by a vile sub human
Chief Food Officer. Milo says the world revolves around his stomach
Milo came from Turkey. he was left on the street to starve after being run over
Coach For Growth supports Happy Paws Puppy Rescue. A fantastic charity that rescues dogs from Turkey and helps to rehome them in Turkey and in the UK
Coach For Growth Ltd.
No 12182798.
VAT No 452485482
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Address -Dumlanrig. Dumfries and Galloway